e-Publishing — Disc, Inc. Google+



Authors:  control, access, speed and higher royalties

Corporations: control, access, speed and an accelerated sales process

Photo by cherezoff/iStock / Getty Images

Starting with paper or electronic files, Disc, Inc. can produce interactive, user friendly, fully-searchable catalogs, manuals, seminar proceedings, directories and more using industry standard formats like ePub, mobi, and PDF (Portable Document Format).

PDF files retain the original look of your documents, including text, drawings and graphics.  It is a fixed layout that is not changed by the viewer other than a zoom feature.

ePub/mobi will change the "look and feel" of your document.  Focus is placed more on the users experience of the file.  With the ability to change fonts, font size, Pinch and zoom graphics and more it is an amazing format for everything from non-fiction mystery to technical manuals on Pipeline Pigging.

All of the formats offer Full text searching and notation in some manor depending on the reader.  Each have amazing free readers on the market for viewing the files.  Many have them built into the mobile devices and operating systems as well as free and paid versions downloadable via the web. 

Our customizable service starts by us asking thought provoking questions, to guide us and using your answers our staff creates easy-to-navigate, stimulating, personalized presentations that meet your ultimate goal. These electronic formats can be easily updated, and ready for distribution via CD or web.  Getting started is easy!  Simply submit your files, along with your index, table of contents or homepage, and we can take it from there!

Paper files are no problem!  With our scanning services, we can scan them in at a high resolution and set them up in the format of your choice.  Utilizing OCR and our document expertise we can provide your clients and /or readers with the perfect memorable document experience. 

Disc, Inc.'s e-Publishing programming services have been utilized by a variety of industries across numerous platforms; oil and gas training manuals, interactive catering and food service menus, annual proceedings for the tax and geological communities, sales and marketing literature for manufacturers, and magazine and newsletter archiving for environmental agencies. 

Give Jacqulyn or David a call and let us know what we can do for you.  713.864.7845

Or  e-mail us and we will get back with you shortly.

Just need the files in your filing cabinet or offsite storage DIGITALLY archived?

Yes, that kind of scanning.  Seriously. 

We know... you thought you were the only one left that still had boxes of photos, documents and files, but you're not alone.  We're here to help. After all, our original name was Dimensions in Scanning and Conversions. We admit it, this services is part of our roots all the back to IBM DisplayWriters and Word Perfect in MS DOS.

What do we scan?  Newsletters, reports, presentations, training materials, photos, old accounting files... the works.  Why do we scan?  To put everything in a nice, neat PDF format to make it easy for you to search and access, without having to dig through boxes or file cabinets.  With PDF programming, Disc, Inc. can take all of your old company newsletters and set up an index with bookmarking and linking to make them easily archived.  Have old photos or slides that you'd like to have in a digital format?  Bring them in!  We can scan them in and put them on electronic media or create a "discmento" to celebrate special events and occasions.